
  • Understanding DARVO: Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender
    Understanding the techniques, tactics, and methods abusers use can take away their power and help people better protect themselves. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on understanding the dynamics of abuse, manipulation, and coercion. One concept that has gained attention in this realm is DARVO, an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack,…
  • What is grooming and how can I protect my children from it?
    Breanna (not her real name) never really thought about (and certainly never planned to) share sensitive photos online. Just like she never thought so many strangers would see them if she did or how long they could stay on the internet. She had more important things on her mind; things like playing Roblox with friends…
  • Operation Safe Escape Developing OPSEC Program for DV Shelters and Safe Houses
    Operation Safe Escape has completed the first step in creating a comprehensive Operations Security (OPSEC) program for domestic violence shelters and safe houses. This program (which, like all of our programs and tools, will be available for free) is designed to help our partners and allies better protect their staff, clients, and locations. OPSEC is…
  • Recognizing Red Flags: Signs of an Abusive Relationship
    Entering into a romantic relationship should be an exciting and fulfilling experience. However, it’s crucial to be vigilant about potential red flags that may indicate an unhealthy and abusive dynamic. Recognizing these signs early on can help individuals make informed decisions about their well-being and safety. In this article, we’ll explore some common red flags…
  • Duress Codes and How to Use Them
    Duress Codes can be an effective tool in awareness, defense, and escape In the 1968 Star Trek episode Bread and Circuses, Captain Kirk uses duress codes when he is captured by a previously unknown civilization that modeled itself on Earth’s ancient Rome. Worse, a former Starfleet captain is leading the civilization, so he’s wary when…